Results for 'Saayman Johannes Petrus'

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  1.  50
    A Dual Perspective on Risks and Security Within Research Assistantships.Johannes Petrus Rossouw & Ewelina Kinga Niemczyk - 2013 - Journal of Research Practice 9 (2):Article M10 (proof).
    Although research assistantships are considered research learning venues in graduate education, there is a scarcity of literature that examines ethical elements attached to the employment of graduate student research assistants or the position of their research supervisors. This article explores the need to implement formal regulations specific to research assistantships in order to increase security and decrease risks for research assistants and research supervisors. Relationships between research assistants and research supervisors have some similarities with regular employment relationships; yet some distinct (...)
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  2. Glock, Hans Johann (2013). Mental capacities and animal ethics. In: Petrus, Klaus; Wild, Markus. Animal Minds and Animal Ethics. Connecting Two Separate Fields. Bielefeld: transcript, 113-146.Hans Johann Glock, Klaus Petrus & Markus Wild (eds.) - 2013
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    Making sense in music: an enquiry into the formal pragmatics of art.Jozef Johannes Petrus Maria Kunst - 1978 - Ghent, Belgium: Communication & Cognition.
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  4. G. J. P. J. Bollands briefwechsel mit E. von Hartmann.Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus Bolland - 1937 - 's-Gravenhage: Edited by Eduard von Hartmann.
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  5. Spreuken.Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus Bolland - 1962 - 's-Gravenhage,: L.J.C. Boucher.
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    Mental capacities and animal ethics.Hans Johann Glock, Klaus Petrus & Markus Wild - 2013 - In . pp. 113-146.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus Bolland - 1905 - Leipzig,: Dürr'sche buchhandlung. Edited by Georg Lasson.
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    Die Philosophie des Petrus Lombardus und ihre Stellung im zwölften Jahrhundert.Johannes Nepomuk Espenberger - 1901 - Münster: Aschendorff.
    Excerpt from Die Philosophie des Petrus Lombardus und Ihre Stellung im Zwolften Jahrhundert Dreifache Bedeutung des Begriffes: Natur heien 1. Die substantia prima, 2. Die regelmaige Wirkungsweise der Dinge, 3. Die ethischen Grundsatze in unserem Innern; historische Beurteilung dieser Verver tung des Begriffes. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the (...)
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    ‘God kan net doen wat God wel doen’: Petrus Abelardus se Megariaanse argument in Theologia ‘Scholarium’, Opera Theologica III.Johann Beukes - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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  10. Apokalyptisches Denken bei Petrus Johannis Olivi. Versuch einer fundamentaltheologischen Wertung (La pensée apocalyptique chez Pierre de Jean Olivi. Essai d'évaluation en théologie fondamentale).Johannes Schlageter - 1987 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 50 (1):13-27.
  11.  21
    La téléologie et l’évolution de la philosophie naturelle: Le cas de Johann Christoph Sturm et Petrus van Musschenbroek. Teleologie und die Evolution der Naturphilosophie: Der Fall von Johann Christoph Sturm und Petrus van Musschenbroek.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2018 - Studia Leibnitiana 50 (1):41.
    Johann Christoph Sturm’s natural philosophy, with which Leibniz engages in “De ipsa natura”, as well as Petrus van Musschenbroek’s epistemology, constitute important steps in the process of the speciation of physics. In this case, speciation is understood as the process through which the explanation of natural phenomena via empirical regularities comes to define the whole domain of the newly established niche of physics, to the exclusion both of teleology and efficient causality.
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    Petrus Johannes Theobaltus Koekemoer - teoloog saam en soos die kerk.S. J. Botha & H. G. Van der Westhuizen - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (4).
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    Petrus Johannes Reimer: Zeven tegen Thebe. Praehelleense elementen in de helleense traditie. Pp. 130. Gouda: Koch & Knuttel, 1953. Paper. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1955 - The Classical Review 5 (01):101-102.
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    Handschriftliche Forschungen und Funde zu den philosophischen Schriften des Petrus Hispanus, des spaeteren Papstes Johannes XXI.A. W. Centner - 1939 - New Scholasticism 13 (1):83-84.
  15. Alsted, Johann Heinrich.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    Alsted was a foremost encyclopedist of the early seventeenth century. He provided both a complete presentation of all the subjects of philosophy (of which encyclopedia consisted) and a method to learn them. This method was an original synthesis of the dialectic of Petrus Ramus, the combinatorial art of memory of Raimond Lull and Giordano Bruno, and the method of presentation of philosophical disciplines of Bartholomäus Keckermann. Alsted’s encyclopedism was intended as a remedy to the postlapsarian condition of man and (...)
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    Roger Bacon and The Origin of Species Theory - Optical Natural Philosophy in De multiplicatione specierum. 이무영 - 2021 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 97:209-239.
    로저 베이컨(Roger Bacon)의 『상형증가론』은 서유럽 후기중세에서 전개된 다양한 상 형론의 원천을 이루는 작품으로 거론되어 왔다. 그는 로베르투스 그로세테스테(Robertus Grosseteste)로 대표되는 이른바 옥스퍼드학파의 자연철학에 기반한 상형론을 전개한다 는 점에서 차후 페트루스 요한네스 올리비(Petrus Johannes Olivi)에 이르는 중세 프란치 스코회 상형론 전통의 한 주축을 형성한다. 그럼에도 지난 베이컨 연구들은 대부분 근대과 학자의 원형으로서 베이컨을 조명하는 과학사적 접근에만 의존할 뿐, 철학자 베이컨의 초 상을 그리는데 인색했던 것처럼 보인다. 특히 과학사의 관점은 베이컨의 상형론을 중세광 학이라는 제한된 틀 안에서 그것의 일부로 다루었던 까닭에 (...)
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  17.  23
    Theorien der Intentionalität im Mittelalter.Dominik Perler - 2002 - Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann.
    Die Intentionalitätsproblematik steht nicht nur im Mittelpunkt der heutigen philosophischen und kognitionstheoretischen Debatten. Sie wurde bereits im Mittelalter scharfsinnig diskutiert, ja die scholastischen Autoren prägten als Erste die Fachausdrücke "Intentionalität" und "intentionale Existenz" und entwarfen verschiedene Modelle, um das Rätsel der kognitiven Bezugnahme zu lösen. Dieses Buch stellt fünf einflußreiche Intentionalitätsmodelle vor, die im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert entstanden sind. Dabei werden so unterschiedliche Autoren wie Thomas von Aquin, Petrus Johannes Olivi, Dietrich von Freiberg, Johannes Duns Scotus, (...)
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    Patience, Diligence, and Humility: Epistemic Virtues and Chemistry in the Eighteenth Century Dutch Republic.Pieter T. L. Beck - 2024 - Synthese 205 (1):1-28.
    This paper discusses the connection between epistemic virtues and chemistry in the eighteenth century Dutch Republic. It does so in two ways. First, it presents the virtue epistemology of three Dutch university professors and natural philosophers: Herman Boerhaave, Petrus van Musschenbroek, and Johannes David Hahn. It shows how their criticism of a priori philosophy and their defence of experimental natural philosophy is connected to a specific virtue epistemology. Four epistemic virtues are central for these authors: intellectual patience, diligence (...)
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    A student’s notes on the plague in Codex Wien, Österreische National Bibliothek, 4497.Monica Brînzei - 2022 - Chôra 20:367-377.
    Au f. 266r du manuscrit Vienne, ÖNB, 4497 un large colophon témoigne d’un épisode dramatique concernant une vague épidémique d’une violence particulière qui a eu un impact conséquent sur les activités de l’Universite de Vienne. Johannes Grössel, l’auteur de cette note, raconte comment en 1436 les cours ont été suspendus, les étudiants renvoyés chez eux, et qu’en une seule journée 70 étudiants et professeurs ont péri à cause de la peste. Le jeune étudiant Grössel a dû suspendre sa lecture (...)
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  20. Rossi, Paolo, Logic and the Art of Memory.J. Sutton - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (1):151-152.
    This translation of a classic and original work of intellectual history is beautifully done. Rossi’s book Clavis Universalis was first published in Italian in 1960, but Clucas translates the second, revised edition of 1983. The book is about Renaissance and 17th-century encyclopedism, hieroglyphics and cryptography, the techniques of artificial memory, the history of rhetoric, changes in views about logic and method in the scientific revolution, and new ideas about how language and images might reflect or capture reality. Frances Yates’s brilliant (...)
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    Selbstbezug und Selbstwissen. Texte zu einer mittelalterlichen Debatte.Dominik Perler & Sonja Schierbaum (eds.) - 2014 - Frankfurt a.M.: Klostermann.
    Das Problem des Selbstwissens wird nicht erst in der gegenwartigen Philosophie des Geistes kontrovers diskutiert. Bereits im Spatmittelalter gab es eine intensive Debatte daruber, ob und wie der menschliche Geist Wissen von sich selbst und seinen eigenen Akten und Zustanden haben kann. Der vorliegende Band macht erstmals zentrale Texte in einer zweisprachigen Ausgabe zuganglich. Einfuhrungen zu den jeweiligen Autoren und ihren Texten bieten Interpretationshilfen und ermoglichen sowohl einen historischen als auch einen systematischen Zugang zu der scholastischen Debatte. Die Bandbreite der (...)
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  22.  12
    Hendrik Petrus Berlage: Thoughts on Style, 1886-1909: Thoughts on Style, 1886-1909.Hendrik Petrus Berlage - 1996 - The Getty Center for the History of Art.
    An architect and architectural philosopher, Berlage created a series of buildings and a body of writings that probed the problems and possibilities of Modernism. His principal texts, given here in English for the first time, present a vital chapter in the history of European Modernism.
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  23. Ramism.Andrea Strazzoni - 2022 - Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy.
    The main aim of the French logician and philosopher Petrus Ramus was to provide a method of teaching the liberal arts enabling the completion of the undergraduate program of studies in 7 years. This method was based on a new logic, in which the complex structure of Aristotle’s Organon and of the Summulae logicales of Peter of Spain is reduced to two main doctrines: the invention of arguments, by which it is possible to find the notions for reasoning and (...)
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    Do brains think? Comparative anatomy and the end of the Great Chain of Being in 19th-century Britain.Elfed Huw Price - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (3):32-50.
    The nature of the relationship between mind and body is one of the greatest remaining mysteries. As such, the historical origin of the current dominant belief that mind is a function of the brain takes on especial significance. In this article I aim to explore and explain how and why this belief emerged in early 19th-century Britain. Between 1815 and 1819 two brain-based physiologies of mind were the subject of controversy and debate in Britain: the system of phrenology devised by (...)
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    Theological Disputations at Vienna in the Early Fifteenth Century. Harvard Ms lat. 162.William J. Courtenay - 2011 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 53:385 - 401.
    Harvard Ms lat. 162 contains theological questions disputed at the University of Vienna between 1426 and the mid 1430s. The article identifies the respondents in these disputations, conducted under Petrus Reicher de Pirchenwart, regent master in theology. Although some of these theologians, such as Johannes de Gmund, Narcissus Hertz, and Thomas Ebendorfer are well known, most have not left any surviving theological writings. This makes these disputations particularly valuable for the intellectual history of the University of Vienna in (...)
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  26. Toward a Nonanthropocentric Vision of Nature: Goethe’s Discovery of the Intermaxillary Bone.Ryan Feigenbaum - 2015 - Goethe Yearbook 1 (XXII).
    On March 27, 1784, Goethe writes to Johann Gottfried Herder: -/- I have found–neither gold nor silver, but what makes me unspeakably happy–the os intermaxillare in the human! With Loder I compared human and animal skulls, came upon its trace, and look, there it is. Only, I beg of you not to mention it, since it must be handled confidentially. (WA 4.6:258). -/- The bone whose discovery so elated Goethe, then called the "intermaxillary bone" but now the "premaxilla," is a (...)
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    Meaning and analysis: new essays on Grice.Klaus Petrus (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book, linguists and philosophers combine to offer a unique insight not only into Grice's contribution to philosophy of language, but on his theories of natural and non-natural meaning, implicatures and the semantic-pragmatic distinction.
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    Safety Priorities and Underestimations in Recreational Scuba Diving Operations: A European Study Supporting the Implementation of New Risk Management Programmes.Serena Lucrezi, Salih Murat Egi, Massimo Pieri, Francois Burman, Tamer Ozyigit, Danilo Cialoni, Guy Thomas, Alessandro Marroni & Melville Saayman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  29. Summulae Logicales.Petrus Hispanus & I. M. Bochenski - 1949 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 5 (4):463-464.
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    Spaces of alienation: Dispossession and justice in South Africa.Petrus T. Delport & Tshepo Lephakga - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
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    Queer Marxism in two Chinas.Petrus Liu - 2015 - London: Duke University Press.
    In Queer Marxism in Two Chinas Petrus Liu demonstrates how queer Marxist critics in China use queer theory as a non-liberal alternative to Western models of queer emancipation, and in doing so, he revises current understandings of what queer theory is, does, and can be.
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    Thinking Gender in the Age of the Beijing Consensus.Petrus Liu - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):341-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 341 Petrus Liu Thinking Gender in the Age of the Beijing Consensus Originally formulated to dispute biologically deterministic explanations of women’s subordination, the analytical distinction between sex and gender has developed in unexpected ways in transitions from one language to another. Drawing on a wide range of sources, from John Money’s sexological writings to Simone de Beauvoir’s (...)
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    The specter of materialism: queer theory and Marxism in the age of the Beijing consensus.Petrus Liu - 2022 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In The Specter of Materialism Petrus Liu examines what "materialism" means for progressive queer theory and Marxist approaches to China's postsocialist economy. Liu recasts the history of queer theory in light of the Beijing Consensus, arguing that North American queer theory's inability to sustain a materialist analysis is the result of its positioning of the United States, rather than China, as the focal point of contemporary global capitalism. Analyzing relations of gender and sexuality that have been reconfigured by China's (...)
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    Genese und Analyse: Logik, Rhetorik und Hermeneutik im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert.Klaus Petrus - 1997 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Genese und Analyse" verfügbar.
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    On Human Persons.Klaus Petrus (ed.) - 2003 - Heusenstamm Nr Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    This volume will be of special concern to those involved in experimental research as well as theoretical moorings.
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    Protestant ethic: Contributing towards a meaningful workplace.Petrus L. Steenkamp - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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    Petri Thomae Quaestiones de ente.Petrus Thomae - 2018 - Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press. Edited by Garrett R. Smith & John.
    Editio princeps of Peter Thomae's De ente. It is generally acknowledged by historians of philosophy that medieval philosophers made key contributions to the discussion of the problem of being and the fundamental issues of metaphysics. The Quaestiones de ente of Peter Thomae, composed at Barcelona ca. 1325, is the longest medieval work devoted to the problem of being as well as the most systematic. The work is divided into three parts: the concept of being, the attributes of being, and the (...)
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    Tractatus brevis de modis distinctionum.Petrus Thomae - 2011 - Santa Coloma de Queralt: Publicacions URV. Edited by Josep Batalla, Robert D. Hughes & Petrus Thomae.
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    Rechte-Ansatz.Klaus Petrus - 2018 - In Johann S. Ach & Dagmar Borchers (eds.), Handbuch Tierethik: Grundlagen – Kontexte – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. pp. 83-88.
    Der Tierrechte-Ansatz stellt den Anspruch des Menschen auf Nutzung von Tieren prinzipiell in Frage. Der Grund besteht darin, dass durch den Gebrauch von Tieren zu menschlichen Zwecken typischerweise deren Rechte verletzt werden. Um welche Rechte es sich dabei handelt und welche Tiere sie allenfalls besitzen, ist Teil anhaltender Diskussionen sowohl in der Tierethik als auch innerhalb der Tierrechtsbewegung.
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    Tierrechtsbewegung.Klaus Petrus - 2018 - In Johann S. Ach & Dagmar Borchers (eds.), Handbuch Tierethik: Grundlagen – Kontexte – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler. pp. 332-336.
    Die Tierrechtsbewegung gehört zu den neuen Sozialbewegungen und fordert unveräußerliche Grundrechte wie das Recht auf Leben, Freiheit und Unversehrtheit auch für nicht-menschliche Tiere. Anders als in der traditionellen Tierschutzbewegung wird damit der Anspruch des Menschen auf Nutzung dieser Lebewesen zum Zwecke der Ernährung, Bekleidung, Forschung oder Unterhaltung fundamental kritisiert. In der Regel schränkt der Tierschutz den menschlichen Nutzungsanspruch auf Tiere nämlich bloß mittels des Tierschutzrechts ein; es geht primär darum, wie wir mit Tieren, die wir nutzen, umgehen sollten. Demgegenüber stellt (...)
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  41.  49
    “Philosophie für alle stände” der adressat popularwissenschaftlicher texte.Klaus Petrus - 1994 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):5-11.
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    Austin versus Grice. Über die Voraussetzung der Analyse religiöser Sprechakte.Klaus Petrus - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6 (1):21-46.
    Auch religiöses Sprechen wird seit geraumer Zeit sprachphilosophisch analysiert. Nicht selten beruft man sich dabei auf den Slogan „Sprechen ist Handeln" und hier vor allem auf John L. Austin. Zumindest für das Verständnis von Aspekten der religiösen Sprache - den sog. religiösen Performativa - scheint sein Ansatz besonders geeignet. Denn offenbar werden damit die Bedingungen des erfolgreichen Vollzugs religiöser Handlungen auf der einen, die Voraussetzungen ihrer Wirksamkeit auf der anderen Seite deutlicher; und offenbar wird damit auch deutlicher. wie Vollzug und (...)
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  43.  10
    Animal Minds and Animal Ethics: Connecting Two Separate Fields.Klaus Petrus (ed.) - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Philosophers investigating questions of animal ethics tend to draw on animal cognition research while subscribing to strong positions regarding animal minds, and philosophers pursuing the question of animal minds frequently draw conclusions from the arguments of ethical philosophers. Despite this exchange, animal mind and animal ethics research have developed in fundamentally different directions. One reason for this divison lies in the institutional distinction between theoretical and practical philosophy. This anthology brings these fields and their philosophical approaches closer together, mapping their (...)
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  44. Opera theologica. T. III : Theologia Summi Boni, Theologia Scholarium.Petrus Abaelardus, E. Buytaert & C. Mews - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (1):122-123.
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    Hukum Sebagai Interpretasi.Petrus Ckl Bello - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 11 (1):61-78.
    The issue of interpretation is one of the major themes in the study of law and legal practices. Nonetheless, while legal interpretation plays a crucial role in the study of law, scholars have yet to reach an agreement about its nature and status in the discipline. One of the most prolific legal philosophers who is deeply engaged in the discourse of this issue is Ronald Dworkin. This article will examine his views on law as an interpretation. The constructive interpretation model (...)
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    Die teologiese ensiklopedie volgens Rudolf Bultmann.Petrus B. Boshoff - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
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  47. De honesta disciplina.Petrus Crinitus, Carlo Angeleri & Eugenio Garin - 1957 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 62 (3):360-360.
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  48. De verhouding van de psychologie tot de wijsbegeerte in der leer van Brentano.Petrus Gerardus Dix - 1966 - [Amsterdam]:
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    Die wysbegeerte van die Grieke.Petrus Secundus Dreyer - 1976 - Kaapstad: Hollandsch Afrikaansche Uitg. Mij..
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  50. Inleiding tot die filosofie van die geskiedenis.Petrus Secundus Dreyer - 1974 - Kaapstad : Haum,:
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